So Much To Do, and You've Got the Time
My challenge during a career break is not finding things I want to do but creating a list that I’m likely to accomplish in the time I have available. I’ve been comparing that list to my companion’s, my dear husband, Benjamin, because this week we begin exploring where in the world they will lead us.
This time around my plans includes studying French and I’m aiming big. Fluency in 3 months! With the help of @FI3M, @duolingo and others. Benjamin and I also want to plan for adventures we can share day to day, like playing music together, hiking, and entertaining our family and friends whom we miss!
We each have a focal point for this World of Away, a personal project that will guide the arc of our days. I plan to be writing a novel (yes, a book is on the list for this career break, but it’s on MY list!). Benjamin, a pediatrician, will explore how humor can help parents and kids navigate conflict (a technique that could benefit just about any relationship, don’t ya think?).
I’m also gonna keep following the thread of my fiber adventures with textile designing and fiber spinning. When we’re on the road, I’ll bring along micro-looms and a nano e-spinner to keep my craft portable and scalable to our surroundings. Benjamin has picked up blues guitar since our last World of Away and will keep us both entertained. Maybe we’ll see you along the way!
We’re making tentative plans for a road trip to Montreal and Quebec City, Canada, so I can practice my French – and I’m eyeing a self-guided river boat cruise along the way (thank you, Atlas Obscura). Depending on travel conditions and the state of our budget (which we start putting in place in a couple weeks), we’re also considering Martinique or Guadaloupe, France or Switzerland, Morocco or Cote d’Ivoire. What do you recommend?...
If you’re interested in meeting others who are talking about career breaks, gap years, sabbaticals, and expat experiences, or just want to see some of the photos from stories featured in this blog and podcast, find us on Instagram @world.of.away or sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Be well and thanks for reading!